miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Romeo and Juliet

The story takes place in Verona, home to two families who are rivals, the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo, sole heir of the Montagues, enters without being invited to a masked ball of the Capulets, where he meets Juliet, the daughter of the Capulets, it's love at first sight. Knowing that their parents never allow their marriage, they marry in secret, with the help of Friar Laurence. The day of the ceremony, Tybalt insults Romeo, despite this latter refuses to fight. But Mercutio, the best friend of the young Montagues, engaged in a duel with Tybalt death. Try to separate Romeo and Tybalt mortally wounding takes to Mercutio. Romeo, Tybalt and then challenged to come to his friend killing his adversary. The Prince of Verona, outraged by the events, condemns Romeo to exile or death. Romeo is desperate because it is separated from Juliet, but Friar Laurence advises escape to Mantua, to be published until his marriage to Juliet and meet with her. Romeo flees to Mantua after a last interview with Juliet. Count Paris, a relative of the prince, asks Juliet's hand and he is granted. Juliet refuses and asks for help to Friar Laurence, who advises him to accept the marriage and gives a little French with an elixir that sink in a cataleptic state, like death. Tells you take it the night before the wedding and agrees to be with her when she wakes up in the crypt of his family, together with Romeo, after two young men escape. Friar sends a messenger to Romeo (Friar John) to come by Juliet at the moment of awakening. However, the messenger is not Romeo, and that when informed by his servant (Balthasar) that Juliet is dead, comes immediately to Verona. Romeo arrives at the Capulet crypt found with Paris, which was to lay flowers to his wife. The Earl was indignant when he saw Romeo, both are beaten, won the young. Romeo approaches Juliet kisses her one last time and took poison and died at the feet of his beloved. At that time arrives Friar Laurence, who is frightened when he saw the bodies of Paris and Romeo. Juliet awakens and tries to convince the priest to flee with him, but she refuses to see her husband dead. Friar Laurence and Juliet will be about Romeo, kisses him and knife wounds to her husband, embracing his beloved dying. The guards learn to Friar Laurence and Balthazar. Friar Lawrence reveals the truth to the Prince of Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets. With the death of Romeo and Juliet, sealed the peace between two rival families.

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

about me..!

My name is Cynthia , I was born on Febraury 26th in 1996.
Well, I really do not know what to put here...I think that I gonna start with yesterday....!

Yesterdat I went to study English at Idiomas Catolica, Is was so funny...! I have friends there an is my first cicle there...! well.. I was in my desk and Potter said to me correct my writting, and I had to correct it............and................. I dont have more time xD

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Likes and Dislikes...

First I love Nick and Justin <3...!>
I hate Miley...Demiii...! and go to school :P

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

A walk to Remenber..!

This movie is so cute, is love story..... Everything start when the bad guy from a High school, both of them are 18 years old. Jamie is a shy girl, very happy, she loves school and Lando is a rude boy,the bad boy from the school with wort mind than Jamie, they are from two differents worlds, but Jamie change Landons life :)... They know each other from long time ago, they study together, but they did not talk NEVER!.....

One day Landon do a stupid thing with his friends, and He have a punishment, he have to do social work in his school... we have to go to the drama club in his school and he start talking with Jamie, they practices together, but Jmaies father dont want that she be with him, but the love is stronger than anything.. It was a problem she was sick she have leukemia... They got married and she died... :(

viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010


I really love Jonas Brothers , Justin Bieber , Lady Gaga , Beyonce, Rihanna Oh my god! Rihanna! Newz Boys , Jason DeruloOoO........

I (L) thiis songs! :

Come here rude boy . boy
Can you get it up
Come on rude boy , boy is you big enough
Take it , Take it
baby , baby
Take it, Take it
Love me , Love me (bis)

I mma let you be your captain
I mma let you do your thing
I mma let your rider
Giddy up
Giddy up
Giddy up babe!

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

In English Class!

Hey I just talk with my teacher and she told me that I just have one best friend or something like that I love all my friends but I think that Ana Ximena and Marcela are the two girls that I talk with them everyday they know me soo well and I know them so so so well! but the stranger here that they are not in my school!! ana ximena study at San Agustin and Marcela at Santiismo Nombre de Jesus I love that school! I want to change to another school! o.o if not mean that I am not .... I do not know! really!